As the spring season unfolds its vibrant beauty in Bear Jaw, Coconino County, Arizona, it’s time to gear up for wildfire preparedness. Amidst this natural splendor, Bear Jaw Interagency Fires & Fuels once again extends its helping hand to residents through the Bear Jaw Cleanup initiative. This collaborative effort aims to create defensible spaces around properties by providing free pickup and disposal of woody vegetation, including branches, logs, small trees, leaves, and pine needles.

New Addition: Firewise Reporting

Before delving into the details of the cleanup initiative, it’s essential to highlight a crucial aspect of community wildfire preparedness – Firewise reporting. To ensure the continued recognition of our community’s Firewise USA Site status and to aid in insurance benefits, residents are encouraged to report their time and expenses spent on wildfire mitigation efforts. This reporting can be conveniently done on the Pinewood Fire Department website.

Reporting Website Link. –

Participating in Firewise reporting not only demonstrates our commitment to wildfire resilience but also helps in garnering essential support for our community. By accurately documenting our collective efforts, we reinforce the importance of wildfire preparedness and strengthen our eligibility for Firewise benefits.

Back to the Bear Jaw Cleanup…

Residents are invited to actively participate in the Bear Jaw Cleanup by clearing woody vegetation from around their homes and stacking it in designated slash piles. The collected materials will be chipped and hauled away at no cost by Bear Jaw, making the cleanup process hassle-free and accessible for everyone. Additionally, residents can dispose of up to fifteen clear bags of green waste per property, further promoting responsible waste management practices.

To ensure seamless coordination and efficient disposal, Bear Jaw is collaborating with Public Works, which will be accepting all woody vegetation at the Willard Springs Green Waste Station. Furthermore, to encourage the use of clear plastic bags for green waste, Bear Jaw will provide free clear bags at the Pinewood Fire Station in early April.

Mark your calendars! All green waste items should be placed along the roadside by 7:30 a.m. on Monday, April 29, to facilitate pickup and disposal during the Bear Jaw Cleanup. Adhering to this timeline not only ensures the effectiveness of the cleanup efforts but also underscores our collective commitment to safeguarding our homes and environment.

For detailed guidelines and information regarding the Bear Jaw Cleanup, residents are encouraged to visit the Bear Jaw Cleanup website at Additionally, for any inquiries or assistance, residents can reach out to Robert Ortiz, the point of contact at Bear Jaw Interagency Fire & Fuels, at (928) 525-1717 or via email at

By participating in the Bear Jaw Cleanup, residents not only protect their individual properties but also contribute to the resilience of our entire community. Furthermore, by reporting their time and expenses on the Pinewood Fire Department website for Firewise recognition, residents actively support ongoing wildfire mitigation efforts and ensure the continuity of vital insurance benefits.

In conclusion, let’s unite as a community and take proactive steps toward wildfire preparedness. Join hands with Bear Jaw Interagency Fires & Fuels in the Bear Jaw Cleanup initiative, report your time and expenses for Firewise recognition, and together, let’s build a safer, more resilient future for Bear Jaw.


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